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Learn how to centre consent in your coaching practise and teach your students how to make decisions and take action.

Permission for Coaches & Mentors Course

What if you we could actually be a part of that change we wanted to see in the world by making small changes in our business?  What if your business could be more successful because of it?  What if more of your clients could get the results your teachings offer because they could actually go on to enact the work?  I believe it is possible.  If you want to investigate how you might do that this course is for you.

My goal is to help the way-showers incorporate knowledge of the need for permission for their clients within their work to actually get and action the results the learning materials can provide.  I believe that incorporating permission tools and centring consent in our work is one of the simplest ways to help women practice personal sovereignty and change the world like we dream to. 

If you are a mentor, coach, or teacher of any sort that is often frustrated by the fact that many of your clients aren't actually doing the work, this course is for you.

If you are interested in being part of the construction of learning environments that automatically centre consent and the growth of personal sovereignty in your clients, this course is for you.

If you are an individual who wants to go further into the concept and Tools of Permission, how it might show up as you are learning, and want to know what you can ask of your teachers in the future, this course is for you too.



How it works:  

This course is delivered daily via email.  Each day of the course you will receive a link to a new audio lesson and PDF notes to download.  The audio segments are really digestible sizes and not more than 15 minutes.  The idea is to spark your own thoughts on the topic, so have a quick listen and then consider the application of that information in your own work.


The cost of the course is $299.00  After Day 2, at the conclusion of our refund policy period, you will be able to navigate back and forth through all the lessons so you don't have to keep up with some imagined timeline to finish.  Take your time or go as fast as you like.

Course Outline:


Why Permission is so important to your coaching business.

[Audio length: 5 minutes]

Day 1:  

What is Permission?

[Audio length: 9 minutes]

Day 2:  

How do you give yourself and teach others

how to give themselves Permission? 

[Audio length: 9 minutes]

Day 3:  

Helping your clients use Permission to take action

on what they are learning.

[Audio length: 8 minutes ]

Day 4:  

Getting permission to be their teacher.  

How a consent based learning culture will change the world.

[Audio length: 14 minutes]

Day 5:

Permission Recap & Tool Kit for adding more permission

and consent to your work.

[Audio length: 4 minutes]



What people are saying about the course:

"For the price of a therapy session, the Permission Course is something that has brought immense value to my work with others - and with myself.  It was the missing link in understanding why consent matters and the consequences of over serving. Instead of Susie Sourwine telling you what to do, in the course she asks the right questions so you discover your own answers.


 In a world of self-help courses where there can be spiritual bypassing, the Permission course calls on critical thinking, the importance of consent, and how to create diverse, safe intersectional spaces. 


As we are called to create the next version of ourselves, our offerings, and the world we want to live in, this course is the path to understanding why investing in our selves and our ideas matter. But it starts with giving yourself permission."

   - Betsy B Murphy,  Author, Performer, & Writing Coach 

"This course is the missing link for people who know what they want to do, have all the skills and the support to do it but can’t quite figure out why it’s not working for them. Susie offers an accessible, yet challenging and actionable approach to permission and consent for coaches and mentors. If there were mandatory courses to work in this arena, this course would have to be top of the list.


Susie doesn’t simply teach the process, she offers it from the perspective of the coach, mentor and leader as well as the client. She shows you through her own teaching process how to action the learning and she brings the concepts to life. The way the course is delivered is perfectly balanced as it’s a daily short audio, an easy-to-follow PDF and something incredibly special to immerse yourself in on the final day.

I signed up for this course because my work centres on permission and consent to enable clients to feel safe and respected. I expected to learn how to present that in a more effective way to my clients, which I did; I didn’t expect it to have such a transformative effect on granting myself permission to work in a way that I am comfortable with and to step up as a leader in my field. This course is a true game changer and one that will have a long-lasting impact for you and your clients."

    - Marie Yates, Founder, Canine Perspective CIC

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